
Looking to add some egg-stra fun to your Easter celebrations? Dive into a basket full of exciting games and activities that will delight kids of all ages! From classic egg hunts to bunny-inspired races, there’s something here for everyone to enjoy. Let’s hop right in and explore these egg-citing Easter ideas!

  1. Easter Egg Hunt: A classic Easter activity! Hide eggs (real or plastic filled with treats) around your yard or house for kids to find.

  2. Egg and Spoon Race: Have kids balance an egg on a spoon and race to the finish line without dropping it.

  3. Easter Bunny Tag: Play a game of tag where one person is the Easter Bunny and tries to tag the other players.

  4. Pin the Tail on the Bunny: A twist on the classic party game. Blindfolded players try to pin a tail on a poster of a bunny.

  5. Easter Egg Roll: Set up a race where kids roll eggs across a lawn or other flat surface using a spoon.

  6. Easter Bingo: Create bingo cards with Easter-themed images and play a game of bingo with family and friends.

  7. Easter Craft Station: Set up a craft station where kids can decorate Easter eggs, make Easter cards, or create Easter-themed art projects.

  8. Easter Egg Toss: Pair up kids and have them toss a plastic egg back and forth, taking a step back after each successful catch.

  9. Easter Egg Bowling: Set up a bowling game using plastic eggs as pins and a larger egg or ball as the bowling ball.

  10. Easter-themed Relay Race: Set up a relay race with Easter-themed challenges, such as hopping like a bunny, balancing an egg on a spoon, or collecting eggs in a basket.

These are just a few ideas to get you started! Get creative and tailor the activities to suit the age group and interests of the kids you’ll be playing with.

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