Here are some fun activities you can do with your kids to celebrate Leap Day!
  1. Leap Day Party: Throw a Leap Day-themed party with frog decorations, leapfrog games, and “leap” themed snacks like Leap Day cookies or cupcakes.

  2. Learn About Leap Years: Teach your kids about leap years, why they occur, and how they affect the calendar. You can make it a fun learning experience with videos, books, or online resources.

  3. Leap Year Scavenger Hunt: Create a leap year-themed scavenger hunt around your home or neighborhood. Include clues related to leaping, frogs, and the number 29.

  4. Outdoor Adventure: Take advantage of the extra day and go on an outdoor adventure with your kids. Visit a local park, go for a hike, or have a picnic in the backyard.

  5. Leap Year Crafts: Get creative with leap year-themed crafts. You can make frog puppets, leap year crowns, or even a leap year calendar.

  6. Baking Fun: Spend the day baking leap year-themed treats with your kids. Try making frog-shaped cookies or cupcakes decorated with leap year designs.

  7. Leap Year Time Capsule: Create a time capsule with your kids to commemorate Leap Day. Include photos, drawings, and notes about your day and plan to open it on the next Leap Day.

  8. Leap Year Sports: Play sports or games that involve leaping, such as leapfrog, long jump, or even a game of hopscotch.

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